Assessment of capacitor mic and powerful microphone

condenser microphone,mic & speaker 。
Advantages: The sound quality is sensitive and complete, the clearness and susceptibility are great, which is suited to calm environments like recording studios.

Disadvantages: Fearful of obtaining wet, afraid of sliding, excessive awareness, easy to take in sound and singing glitches.

Active mic

Pros: robust noises amount of resistance, soft and complete sound quality, suitable for KTV environment and phase overall performance.

Negatives: very low amount, dreary vocals, bad clarity, and very poor level of sensitivity

From the above, condenser microphones have an advantage over powerful mics. The truth is, all things have two ends. In the noisy atmosphere, if you have no substantial requirement for audio quality, a active mic is recommended. Condenser microphones are the right choice for situations which need expert saving or clear quality of sound.


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